Monday, April 20, 2009

I think I want to blog again.


Kathryn said...

Do it do it lover!

Daniel said...

You should. But only when finals are over. :-D

Daniel said...

Hey, it's good to see you back! :-D And you suck for blocking comments on your last post. Sooo, I'm having to post what I was going to say here, instead.

Me like. And I think that it's important that when we talk about faith that we don't give the impression that Christianity is about 'blind faith.' God has never called us to a blind faith, but rather a reasoned faith. He has not called us to believe in something contrary to reality, but something that is at the core of reality itself. Faith is faith because it is not 'scientific'. But OUR faith is just as reasonable, just as defensible (if not more so) than any good scientific principle. In fact, all science is based on a faith in certain unprovable assumptions...

Sounds like an interesting book. I should read it sometime, I think.